2013. december 26., csütörtök

Google Trends

Google Trends


Read it. Imagine it.

All the best......be the best!

György Losonczi

2013. november 15., péntek


This blog is about

Short term,
                  long term,
                                    and very looooooong term.

Circus is changing...
                                   ...and it needs to change.

But in very long term, for example in 2300 circus will not be the same as it is now.

In my opinion it will be totally different, I would say it will be not circus anymore. It will disappear as we know it now. In 2300 the word  circus will cover some kind of virtual entertainment.

The word circus will survive...
                                            ... but the CIRCUS WILL DIE.


               This blog will explain it.....

 I do not have the power of vision. Think logical, just imagine.......


Read it. Imagine it.

All the best......be the best!

György Losonczi