2014. március 27., csütörtök

Super Human, Super Power

The word circus will survive...
                                            ... but the real CIRCUS WILL DIE.

This blog will explain it.....

Read it. Imagine it.

György Losonczi

"We live in the age of cryptocurrency heists, Chinese moon landings, eco-disasters and electronic cigarettes. Sounds like something out of a cyberpunk novel. Well, a cyberpunk novel without the brain implants, but don’t worry, those are coming, too."  - TechCrunch

The circus is changing.... and this is normal. 

New technologies, new aspects, new fresh looks. 

Boys do workouts, girls do fitness or yoga..... A lot of  people are not happy with their body. 

They want to look better ... 

... especially in entertainment business or at the Miss "Country" Contest (Read this e.g.: Miss Korea, Miss Brazil). Plastic surgery gets wide-spread: collagen injections in lips and silicone implants in breasts, cheeks and chin....

Slowly everyone looks the same .... or looks like a trendy celebrity.

Some people loose their hands / legs by accident. In 2013 the biotechnical industry can help them in many forms to live complete life:
".. with his new bionic hand, Garcia doesn't need to worry about any accidental cuts while chopping up vegetables."
Source: DailyMail

Let's see the future of this trend.

Turn your time machine on,
set date to year 2150,
prepare,  ... and

In 2013 they looked all the same ....  
or looked like a trendy celebrity, 

but in 2150 they slowly realize they want their own character, they want to be different from others. They will follow their individual dreams and realize it.... "changing" their body to fulfill this kind of desire.

With bionic hands you could do handstand better, throw precisely objects (e.g. juggling) or throw higher other human or humans (????) in Banquine........with bionic legs, you never get tired to throw 100 flips in Icarian Games...... and so on....... no limits anymore!!!

The next "Iron Man" artist is YOU!

In 2150 many humanoids will work as performing artists in circus industry. The rivalization between artists will have another dimension. Not just the performing style or technique will drive them to become the best. They all want to have the latest technology!
--- "I have a titan arm with  the latest CPU & software!"
--- "I ordered a new bionic eye with 10 times optical zoom with 'Leica' lens! Now I can catch the juggling balls precisely as the new software able to calculate the balls exact falling position!"

They will present new tricks monthly...... but the circus will lost credibility.

No wonder! The humans will not be such humans as they used to be and therefore the tricks won't  be impressive anymore.

Are they humans? Or humanoids? Humans have rights to vote, robots have rights to work? Will they have the rights to vote in 2300? Will they look like Marvel characters? X-men, Hulk, Daredevil.... with the same capability in circus show?

The humans will replace their "week" body parts to intelligence metal body elements.

The BIG question is:
What will remain from the human body if they will replace all of their bodyparts???? 


Of course after decades the brain will have to be replaced too as it will die at a certain time. In 2300 they (humans? humanoids, robots?) will reproduce the brain and the soul of human body. The Artificial Intelligent Research (AI) will be ready to "solve" this problem. It is the question of algorithm (bunch of programming code) and the creative realization will imitate the human soul.... ...... r.o.b.o.t.s........ 

In 2300 circus will not be the same as it is now.

It will be totally different, I would say it will be not circus anymore. It will disappear as we know it now. In 2300 the word circus will cover some kind of virtual entertainment ....